New Professional add-on released: Event Ticketing
We are excited to announce the first release of our next Professional add-on, Event Tickets! This add-on allows you to easily sell tickets to your events, whether they are virtual or in-person events.
Need custom development? We recommend Codeable
After working with Codeable for the last couple of years, we’re excited to move to an exclusive partnership with them when recommending custom development options to you, our valuable customer. Check out our latest post to learn more.
WP All Import add-on released
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new free add-on that connects Sugar Calendar to WP All Import.
October is Merch Month
Everybody likes free swag, right? Well, we do at least. And if you do too, you’re in luck. For the entire month of October, we…
Calendar Feeds pro add-on released
We are excited to announce the release of our first Pro add-on for Sugar Calendar!. Calendar Feeds allows you to easily sync events from Sugar…
Version 2.0 released!
Today we are thrilled to release version 2.0 of Sugar Calendar! This version includes significant improvements, new features, and a number of bug fixes and…
Version 2.0 beta 1 now available for testing
Eleven months ago we announced the launch of our new website and development initiative for Sugar Calendar. It has taken longer than we intended, but today…