Creating and Managing Event Venues

Would you like to create reusable venues for events on your site? Sugar Calendar lets you create venues that can be easily added as event locations.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create and use venues in Sugar Calendar.

Before getting started, make sure the Sugar Calendar plugin is installed and activated on your WordPress site and that you’ve verified your license.

Creating a New Venue

There are 2 ways to create venues in Sugar Calendar. You can either add a new one when creating events or create it from the Venues screen.

To create a new venue, go to Sugar Calendar » Venues from the WordPress admin dashboard. Then click the Add New Venue button.

Add new venue

In the Venue editor, you’ll first need to enter a title for the venue you’re creating.

Add venue title

After that, go ahead and fill out the form with the address details for your event location.

Enter venue details

If you’d like to display an interactive map for the venue, go ahead and toggle on the Show Map option.

Select the Show Map option

Note: You’ll need to configure the Google Maps integration before you can show a map. Please see our guide for details on how to show Google Maps in Sugar Calendar.

Below the Venue Details section, you’ll find the Description section to add additional details about the venue you’re creating.

Venue description

You can optionally add a featured image for the venue you’re creating by clicking the Set featured image link. After adding the details, click the Publish button to create the new venue.

Publish venue

Using Venues in Events

You’ll be able to use the venue you just added when creating an event on your site. To do so, create a new event or edit an existing one to access the event editor. Then click on the Venue tab.

Click the Venue tab

In the Venue dropdown, you’ll see all the event venues you’ve added. Go ahead and select the one you’d like to use for the event.

Select venue for event

Sugar Calendar also lets you create new venues from the event editor. To do so, click the Add New Venue link.

Add new venue from event editor

This will display the form where you’ll need to enter details about the venue you’re creating. After filling out the venue details, click the Save This Venue button to add it.

Save this venue

The new venue you just added will be available in the Venue dropdown.

Select new address

Editing Venues

To edit a venue, go to Sugar Calendar » Venues. Here, you’ll see all the venues you’ve added to your site. Hover over the venue you’d like to edit and click Edit.

Edit venue

This will direct you to the venue editor where you can edit details about the venue.

Edit venue page

After editing the venue, be sure to click the Update button to save your changes.

Update venue

Alternatively, if you’re in the event editor, you can edit a venue after selecting it. To do so, click on the pen icon.

Edit venue icon

This will open up the venue fields. Go ahead and update the details you’d like to change. When you’re ready, click the Save This Venue button to save your changes.

Save this venue button

Deleting Venues

To delete venues on your site, navigate to Sugar Calendar » Venues. Then hover over the venue you’d like to delete and select Trash.

Deleting venues in Sugar Calendar

Selecting the Trash option will move the venue to the Trash folder. Here, you can Restore the venue if you mistakenly deleted it. There’s also an option to permanently delete the venue from your site.

Trash folder

Note: Selecting the Delete Permanently or Empty Trash option will completely remove the venue from your site. You won’t be able to restore it after choosing any of the delete options.

That’s it! You’ve now learned how to create and use event venues in Sugar Calendar.

Next, would you like to learn how to display events on your site? Our tutorial on displaying event calendars covers all the steps in detail.