Using Google Maps to Display Event Location

Would you like to show an interactive map of events on your site? The Google Maps feature allows you to easily display a map pointing to an event’s location when viewing the event.

This tutorial covers how to set up and use the Google Maps feature in Sugar Calendar.

Before you get started, make sure Sugar Calendar is installed and activated on your WordPress site and that you’ve verified your license.

Accessing Google Maps Settings

To start, log in to your WordPress admin area, then go to Sugar Calendar » Settings and select the Maps tab.

Google Maps settings

Once there, you’ll see a field to paste your Google Maps API key. In the section below, we’ll show you how to generate an API key from Google Cloud Console.

We recommend leaving this browser tab open as we’ll return to it later.

Generating an API Key

To use Google Maps, you’ll need to generate an API key for your site. For this, log in to Google Cloud Console to access your account dashboard. If you don’t have an account, you’ll be able to quickly create one.

After logging in to your account, create a new project or select an existing one from your account dashboard.

Select existing project

If you’d like to create a new project, click the NEW PROJECT button.

Create new project on Google Cloud console

You’ll see a screen to enter a name for the project. Click the CREATE button to continue after naming your project.

Create a new project

In the new project, you’ll need to enable the Google Maps API services. For this, go to APIs & Services » Library.

APIs and Services Library

Once there, type ‘maps javascript’ into the search bar and select the Maps JavaScript API option.

Select Maps JavaScript API

After that, click the Enable button to activate this API.

Enable Google Maps API

Note: You’ll need to add a billing account to your Google Cloud Console account to use the Maps JavaScript API. See Google’s documentation to learn more about adding a billing account.

After enabling the Maps JavaScript API library, type ‘Geocoding api’ into the search bar and select the Geocoding API module.

Select Geocoding API

Then click the Enable button to activate it.

Enabling Geocoding API

Google will automatically generate an API key for you. Simply click the copy icon next to the API key value to copy it.

Copy API Key

If an API key is not automatically generated, you can manually create one. To do so, go to APIs & Services » Credentials to access the API key page.

API services credentials page

Once here, click the CREATE CREDENTIALS button and select the API key option.

Create API key option

This will automatically generate an API key for your project. Go ahead and copy this key by clicking the copy icon next to it.

Copy API Key

If you’d like to preview the API key at any time, click the SHOW KEY link below the API keys section.

Show API key

Saving Your Settings

After copying your API key, return to the browser tab with your Sugar Calendar plugin settings open. Then paste the API key you copied into the API Key field.

Paste API key value in Sugar Calendar

Once done, click the Save Settings button to register your changes.

Save settings

Viewing Google Maps on Events

For this, you’ll need to create a new event or edit an existing one to access the event editor. Once there, select the Venue tab and choose one of the locations you’ve added to your site.

Select event venue

Note: For more details, see our guide to learn how to create and use event venues in Sugar Calendar.

Then toggle the Show Map option to the ON position.

Toggle on Show Map option

After selecting the event venue, save your changes and preview the event. When viewing the event details page, Google Maps will display a map pointing to the location you specified for the event.

Maps preview

That’s it! You’ve now learned how to connect Sugar Calendar with Google Maps.

Next, would you like to display events created on your site’s frontend? Our tutorial on displaying event calendars covers all the steps in detail.